Política de direitos autorias

At Night Wolf Apk, we take copyright protection seriously and are committed to preserving the integrity of the content available on our website. This Copyright Policy aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how we handle intellectual property and establish the procedures for reporting and addressing any copyright violations.

  1. Introduction Copyright protection is essential to ensure that content creators are properly recognized and rewarded for their work. At Night Wolf Apk, we are committed to strictly adhering to copyright laws and have implemented strict measures to protect copyrighted content from unauthorized use.
  2. Intellectual Property All content displayed on Night Wolf Apk, including but not limited to texts, images, videos, graphics, logos, icons, and software, is protected by copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property laws. Unauthorized use of any part of the content available on the site may constitute a violation of copyright and other applicable legal provisions.
  3. Copyright and Fair Use Night Wolf Apk may display and distribute third-party content, such as games, apps, and media, which may be protected by copyright. Our use of this material is based on fair use legislation, according to Title 17 of the U.S. Code, which allows the restricted use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, and research.
  4. Content Removal Procedure If you believe that your copyrighted material has been published on Night Wolf Apk without your authorization, you may request the removal of the content through our infringement notification process. To have your request processed, you must provide the following information:
    • Description of the Content: Identify the copyrighted material you claim to be infringed.
    • Location of the Content: Provide the URL where the infringing content is located on Night Wolf Apk.
    • Ownership Statement: Include a statement affirming that you are the copyright holder or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright holder.
    • Contact Information: Provide your full name, address, phone number, and email.
    • Signature: Include an electronic or physical signature of the copyright holder or the person authorized to act on their behalf.

    Send your notice to the email: [email protected]

  5. Processing Notifications Upon receiving a valid copyright infringement notice, Night Wolf Apk will take the following steps:
    • Notification Review: We will review the notice to ensure it meets legal requirements and determine if the content should be removed or disabled.
    • Content Removal: If the notice is deemed valid, we will remove the infringing content within 24 hours and inform the sender of the action taken.
    • User Notification: If the removed content belongs to a registered user, we will notify the user of the removal and provide information about the appeal process.
  6. Counter-Notifications If you believe that your content was mistakenly removed, you can submit a counter-notification. Your counter-notification should include:
    • Description of the Content: Identify the material that was removed.
    • Good Faith Statement: Include a statement of good faith asserting that the content was removed by mistake or as a result of an error in identification.
    • Contact Information: Provide your full name, address, phone number, and email.
    • Signature: Include an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the user.

    Send your counter-notification to the email: [email protected]

  7. Repeated Violations Night Wolf Apk reserves the right to deactivate or suspend the account of any user who repeatedly infringes copyrights. Additional measures may include the permanent removal of content and deletion of the infringing user’s account.
  8. Limitation of Liability Night Wolf Apk assumes no responsibility for content submitted by third parties and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any material available on the site. Responsibility for infringing content lies solely with the user who posts it.
  9. Contact For more information about our copyright policy or to submit an infringement notice, please contact us through the following means:Email: [email protected]

We appreciate your collaboration in preserving the integrity of Night Wolf Apk and respecting the rights of content creators. We are committed to ensuring that our website remains a safe and legal space for all.